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St. Michael’s College School – Leadership Camp – ALIVE Outdoors – Spring 2024

For 22 years we have had the privilege of working with SMC to deliver their Annual Spring Leadership Training Camp. The students in grade 9-12 from St. Michael’s College School apply to be leaders, mentors and role models at the ALIVE/SMC programs next fall and winter. They spend 3 days every May focused on deepening their leadership skills and learning how to be strong, engaging, empathetic and welcoming mentors. One of the themes the grade 12 Sr. Leaders choose for this year’s program was continuity, and the importance of not just showing up as a leader when you feel like it, but remembering who you want to be, and how you want to show up in the world every day. Remember what some of your Sr. Leaders said at the final fire about the importance of listening and remembering that many memorable moments are rooted in small, caring gestures like learning someone’s name. Thank you to all involved!

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